A downloadable game

OpenSurge Legacy is designed to be a... Honestly, I'm not sure what it is.
To put it the best I can, it's supposed to be a port of OpenSurge 0.5.x to 0.6.1 that features some cool stuff like quality-of-life changes and improved/"new" levels.

Currently, OpenSurge Legacy is in early development stages. None of the additions here should be considered final unless stated otherwise.

(If you would like to learn more about Open Surge officially, visit it's website here.)


OpenSurge Legacy (Game Folder) 31 MB

Install instructions

For the Game Folder, execute a pre-installed version of OpenSurge (please use 0.6.1 or higher) and use the --game-folder argument to point to where you put the game folder for OpenSurge Legacy.

Development log

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